Thursday, June 11, 2009
reading glasses
Reading Glasses
When you reach the point of not being able to read up close without stretching your arms to the limit, you may need to consider single-vision reading glasses. Reading glasses come in two main styles: full frames, in which the entire lens is made in the reading prescription, and half-eyes, the smaller "Ben Franklin" style glasses that sit lower down on the nose.Full reading glasses are suitable for people who spend a great deal of time concentrating on material close-up. If you try to look up and across the room through the reading lenses, everything appears blurry.
In contrast, half-eye reading glasses allow you to look down and through the lenses for near work, and up and over them to see in the distance. Generally, people who have never needed glasses in the past will start out with a pair of reading glasses rather than bifocals or no-line progressive lenses, which are usually a better choice if you have a need for distance as well as near correction.
Handy accessories for temporary use, such as an evening in a dimly lit restaurant, include tiny foldable readers that fit in pen-sized cases and magnifiers that hang around your neck like a pendant. You may have even seen plastic lenses mounted in credit card-sized holders that slip easily in a wallet — horrible for reading a book, but fine for those moments of desperation when you just want to know if the menu says "filet de boeuf" or "foie gras."
Also available are tinted reading glasses with UV protection for wearing outdoors in the sun; a popular type is the sunglass bifocal, with a nonprescription upper half for looking far away and a reading prescription in the lower half for close up.
Texter - Word processing made easy!
If Apples TextEdit is not enough and MS Word is much too much, try Texter from Brain Tickling Software: "Texter is for text, what Apples iPhoto is for pictures! You just have everything organized without caring about it."
Texter is a word processor for everyone who writes. A text-editor exclusively made for writing real words, not for coding computer languages. With a clear focus on content, Texter is full-featured, but simple to use.
Texter is designed to be at hand whenever writing is needed. No matter if you write a whole book, a winding dissertation, mid-size articles, business or love letters or short blog entries and emails. You just concentrate on writing, Texter cares about the rest.
For whom is Texter made?
Texter is made for everyone who writes. It combines the simplicity of a classic typewriter with the storage and organization capabilities of modern computers. With Texter authors, editors, ad and scriptwriters, scientists, teachers, students, bloggers and businessmen should find the right tool for their daily task.